Category: Application Development

Why do users love an app made in React?

User experience is one of the most vital metrics to estimate the ease of use of any application. It not only adds value to the business but lets other important stakeholders project the growth of the business. User experience is directly related to the interface of the application often referred to as User Interface or UI. 

One very raw and intuitive way to judge the quality of UI of any application is to find how much does a user needs to interact with UI to accomplish the desired task. The lesser the interaction the better the UI and hence richer user experience. 

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Why should you use Java for application development

Throughout the IT industry, Java is well known for its performance-intensive role. Some tech pundits believe that in about 3 billion computers, Java exists in at least some form. It is a well-respected technology in the product domain. And this is so for good reasons. 

In this write up we will try to understand why Java is a great technology for developing your application.

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Why use Node.js for application development?

Today, every entrepreneur is building to make it big. So imagine the time when your users love your product, but your product is unable to handle the load. Scalability is the key to the success of your product, and Node.js helps you achieve this well. 

In fact, its event-driven architecture has inbuilt features that make scalability inherent.

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