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Throughout the IT industry, Java is well known for its performance-intensive role. Some tech pundits believe that in about 3 billion computers, Java exists in at least some form. It is a well-respected technology in the product domain. And this is so for good reasons. 

In this write up we will try to understand why Java is a great technology for developing your application.


  • Object Oriented Paradigm – While there are several technologies in the industry that follow the object oriented paradigm ( OOPs), Java has definitely made a mark for itself. Why so? To answer that let us first understand what OOPs is. It is an architectural pattern that helps software architects to model and map real word into software. So for example, when you eat out at a restaurant, you receive a receipt after bill payment that consists of several details such as amount, receipt number, order details, date, time etc. Software architects treat them as attributes of the receipts and when creating a class/object of receipt these attributes come to life, which makes data flow very easy to develop and understand. After all, what is better than having a language whose architecture mimics the real world.
  • Spring Framework – This framework is available to use with Java. It makes web and app development so easy. How? Spring framework comes with several inbuilt capabilities that help in the development of modular yet high-performance systems. Some of the benefits of using Spring capabilities are – development of modular code, ease of testability, well designed and defined architecture. Whether you are a small or midsize business, the Java spring framework will deliver well to your expectations. Some of the other built in capabilities that spring provides is in-built search feature, enhanced security libraries, hybrid database capabilities, etc.
  • Hibernate – This is another marvel that we get in Java. Hibernate is an object-relational mapping tool. It provides a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a relational database. With hibernate the technical team is easily able to map the Java classes where the business logic resides to the database of the system. This helps to reduce development time and enhance productivity. Further, as your business scales up and there is a need to add more features, then making changes in the database tables and schema can be easily done in the hibernate ecosystem without having to make changes in the existing code ( the XML interface can be tweaked to reflect the desired changes ).
  • Database – Java Spring allows for several inbuilt databases. It allows for the use of relational as well as non-relational databases. Therefore, as per the needs of the business capabilities you can integrate SQL as well as other document databases such as MongoDB. Relational databases are used to maintain transactions and non-relational ones are preferred when heavy read and write operations are required. So if you are an e-commerce website, you may use SQL to store order and payment transactions, but for storing the product attributes such as images and other data, e.g, price, quantity, and variants, a document DB is apt. With such hybrid database capabilities, your technical infrastructure is able to deliver the best to its end users that too at optimal infrastructure cost.
  • Microservices – Microservices is an architectural paradigm that is used to define the high and low level blue-print of your system. It helps in making your system modular, fault tolerant, and hyper-scalable. With Java you can easily convert your system from monolith to microservices. While this may have sounded technically heavy, let us understand this in terms of business use case. Assuming that you are a food delivery app and you have written all your code in one place. Now, you want to make major changes in that part that handles the communication with partner restaurants. This would be a huge challenge in a monolith application due to the tight coupling with other modules. However, if these were microservices, there would be a stand alone microservice for partner restaurants. Any change in this microservices would not disturb the other code. Further, the provisioning of the cloud services such as number of instances and their corresponding capacities can be decided individually for each microservice. So all this advantage, just from adopting Java :-).

It must be pointed out here that not everyone can use the capabilities of Java well. A seasoned team is needed to bring out the best. But when we are looking for development of our business we all want to settle for nothing but the best. To that end, if in the right hands, Java can help you develop a performance intensive with high return on investment.

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